Monday, February 14, 2011

Dying to Grow

My maternal grandfather and uncle loved farming. Memories of hearing them discuss farming and crops is real. One thing I remember is that for a plant to grow, the seeds need planting. Obvious I know, but hang in here with me. One of the things I learned from my farming grandfather and uncle is that a seed, once planted literally experiences a death first before the new seedling begins to form underground. The symbolism here is what I become intrigued with. 

Dying daily to self is not an easy task. It involves allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the attitudes, behaviors, and feelings we have participated with that are in opposition to the transforming presence of Jesus. If you have prayed for the Lord to use you, that your life is His, and what you desire is to be more like Him; trust me, He will take your prayer seriously.   

A process of therapy is for people to become aware of their attitudes, behaviors and feelings which have contributed to the immediate problems. Sometimes the process brings a grief response to the surface. “Good grief” I like to call it as it means the person has the opportunity to take responsibility for what they have done and see the new options available to them. Old patterns die, new patterns are born. 

Plant the seed of His Word in your spirit. Expect a "death" (of sorts) to come to pass. In saying good-bye, you will say hello to more of God's character. In this way, I trust we are all dying to grow. 

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