Thursday, January 10, 2019

Elementary Spirits

One of the precious things about a small child is the complete lack of inhibition. The defenses commonly developed as they grow teach them to focus on the preservation of self. In focusing on the preservation of self, one tends to shut down the basic pleasures of life to survive. In doing so, we begin to miss the simpler joys of life. The innocence of children challenges us to return to simplicity. Loving others, making friends, compassion, voicing what we feel and think, enjoying sunshine and playtime, learning new things, and the joy of watching the snow fall.

We need elementary spirits. As appropriate and necessary defenses are, we must risk allowing the child in us to remember and enjoy the simple things in life. Laugh, play, nap, eat ice cream, and give as well as receive hugs. They are simple, basic, and necessary for the ongoing enjoyment of our lives.  May we never forget it is the simple things that initially brought us joy. Smiling as I write this, I think I will go play with a puppy!